Finally, it looks like the meltdown is about to begin.
We had a heatwave today. It was all the way up to 44 degrees, yes, Fahrenheit.
We are seeing the beginning of the end of our long winter.
Oh, we don't allow ourselves to get too excited, for there will surely be at least one more blast of cold and certainly, more snow. But for today, I am very happy.
The sun was shining most the day, the birds were singing, even the neighbor's dog seemed to have more yip in her yelp.

Soon enough the cabin doors will be flung open, the windows raised and the fresh air will pour in reminding me to flip the mattresses, air the bedding, and fold the woolen blankets.

Wake up, wake up Dar, you're dreaming again.
Spring will not cover WI. for at least another month or so.
Silly girl, see what one day of Jan. Thaw can do. I don't care. I'm sticking with my story like the snow sticks to my mittens and teases me once again.

After the tracks are not so quickly visible, and not until the last crystal of ice melts from the waters,
THEN, and only THEN,
it will finally be time~~~
Time to hold the earth in my hands and plant spring.
Until then,
Thanks for stopping and reading to this point,
You're so kind.