So, anyone, Would you care for a spot of tea, and would you like ICE with that?
Once again, we have been snowed upon and iced. The weather outside is frightnin'! Sooo, in hopes of finer days to come, I thought I'd take you on a garden tour of my flower beds...The first on the tour is my garden of Snow On The Mountain. Appropriate, don't you think...brrrrrr, as the ice and snow covers it.
I was serious when I asked if any of you would like a spot of iced tea, as my mint is so full of it!
As we move around to the back door bed of Purple Iris trying to make an entrance, you will find more ice damage. As hardy as these plants are, however, they will still come back strong, just to stick their tongues out at the adverse conditions they are under at the moment.
Tho the tulips are also dancing on ice, they don't seem to do as well after this harsh of a freeze. After all, it is April and they were hoping for a drink of rain water, not frozen ankles.
The deep burgundy lilies aren't sure if they want to survive. My hope is that they will give me quite the show, just out of spite, come mid-July.
I haven't seen many buds on the Quince Bush, so I am still hoping the ice has not deterred this one from showing it's stem-hugging coral blooms. Like nearly everything planted in my gardens, they must succumb to the bitter surprises of spring in the northwoods. Zone 3 is not an easy place to be if you are a human, let alone a vulnerable plant.
We have sure learned to ' brave the elements.' It keeps us as strong as the branches that bend in the strong winds. The spruce trees were covered with a thin layer of ice too. Click on any of the photos for a closer look., not that you'd want to.
The driveway was iced, as well as~~~
the wind chimes by the feeders. As the wind blew, I could see the ice chipping away. Have you ever heard a difference in the tone the chimes when they are ice covered? Me either! Ha!
Even the waddle fence around the flowerbeds were ice covered. Let's just say, it was treacherous out there for the early perennials and anyone taking an early walk.
Are we sick of this weather? YES! Are we used to it? YES! Do we want to move because of it? NO! Even though we have very long, sometimes miserable winters and springs, we still would not leave. We have grown to love the 4 seasons of the year, even tho they are not equally shared in length. We love the fact that we have no venomous snakes, and only one of the dangerously venomous spiders. That keeps me happy and here. We usually only have to turn the A/C on a couple of weeks out of the year and we have most gorgeous color in our maples, birch and oaks, come fall.All in all, it is not so bad here, but anytime, if any of you southerners or tropic dwellers, would like to trade just one winter with us, we are sure ' game. '
Thanks for stopping. I love comments so make sure to leave your opinion. I do not ' hurt ' easily and can take all kinds of criticism, so bring it on. Just remember, what goes around comes around. Just kidding.....maybe.
Hi J and A....great visiting you this morning at the farm.