Take a last look, because soon there will be change going on.
As much as I love this glorious old fence that has withstood time on our homestead for the past 30-some years, time has dictated a change. These pictures are from about 5 yrs. back, and since then, the old fence has taken a turn for the worse.
The boards are now down for the most part, having rotted away from the spikes that held them fast. The posts have rotted off at the ground, no longer holding strong. Even the weight of the flowers is too much for the fence to bear. I will miss the moss that has decorated with time.
I am hoping that some of their beauty can still be salvaged for another use. Maybe they will still make fine birdhouses or a trellis with iron support behind them...any suggestions for these old fence boards? Bill wants to burn them but I'm not ready for that. I digress, my man just has no vision.
My dear man also told me that, plants need to be moved if I want to keep them. Of COURSE, I want to keep them. Is he kidding? There are Rudbeckia from my mother, native Queen of the Prairie rescued while clearing land for a driveway to our cabin, Grostendorf Roses that were my grandmothers that I've had for the past 20 years, a white rose, name unknown but most fragrant, from himself, a Silver Lace Vine, native Yellow Irises brought to me by my son from the edge of the marsh when he was 12, Hostas from my sister who has since passed away, and Purple Phlox from my great grandmother's garden. Is he serious? How can I not rescue all of these gifts from the sharp edge of the bucket on his tractor.? I do believe I will be lifting those plants myself, with care, with that bucket! So much to do, so little time.
Thanks for stopping and
Hi Dar, Looks like you have your work cut out for you---saving those precious plants... Good Luck....
Are you replacing the old fence with a new one? I'm sure some of the old boards can be used for other things...
Have that dear man of yours construct a little garden shed out of the old boards. :) I can hear him already - lol. DO save the plants - and DO share with your sister - ME!
'love & hugs from afar'
Embrace that project! Every time you put up a new structure or something ... I consider it a good thing. Something new to plant around. Change is good! You'll have new flower beds, the old flowers will be divided and renewed and will flourish. Like Cher suggested ~ maybe a little potting shed out of the old boards? or a start on your greenhouse that you've been asking for so many years??
It is so pretty.. You do have your work cut out for you. It is snowing here and pouring rain as well.
wow. sounds like you have tremendous memories in those flowers and plants. time to see if they can manage some change too.
i say, please make at least a few birdhouses from those planks! hand them out to your family members and insist they put them up in their own yards to keep a bit of the homeplace going and helping nature. :)
It is hard to change, but you will soon love the old as much as the new. Maybe a trellis out of the old boards that could lean against the new? Some cool signs for your kids. Just a few thoughts.
Dar, you have to put your foot down, and do not let hubby burn those old boards! Oh don't tell him I said that, K?
Is the barn still standing? I love old barns. If I had one on my place, oh it would be decorated, and I don't know what all I would do with it. Just would be sooo neat to have one. Try not to work too hard.
It will be some work, but do save those plants. You won't be sorry :)
Hi Dar...yes, for sure you have to keep the plants...If I were there, I do a little digging and help you out...I love the old fence and I am so glad you have pictures of it...I know you hate to see it go, but I'll bet another one will soon find it's place in your heart...
have a good weekend..
oh dear....what a labor of love...I'd do it
save the fence boards!
birdhouses yes
OH it's so worth saving all that wonderful old wood and all your plants! Good luck with your project!
I think the old boards are still beautiful. I hope you will be able to save a few plus your memory flowers. Helen
I love the fence! Would be fun to use the boards for a decoration somehow in your new yard.
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