The Blue Star that hangs bright on the east side of my barn holds my heart.
The star to the East, represents, for me, the Eastern Star that gave guidance to the wisemen and shepherd that followed it to the stable where our Saviour lay. What a gift God has given us., and reminds us each Christmas of our great fortune in knowing and receiving Him.
The Blue Star also reminds me of a humbler time in my own barn. When we first moved here 31 years ago, never did I ever dream that I would experience what I did on our 5th winter here.
It was quiet by now, the kids were all tucked into bed, knowing of the excitement of the coming morning, Christmas. We had listened to the Christmas Story in church that Christmas Eve and how the Son of God was born in a manger. You know the story.
Anyway, something struck my heart and curiosity. (Here comes the Human side, the doubting, the wondering if there was really so much truth in it all). I wondered, do the cattle really 'low,' as in the children's song, 'Away In the Manger.' Well, I just Had to Know. I think I did believe it, but never had a good enough reason to check it out before. So, just like a disbeliever, I pulled the boots on and headed to the barn to see for myself.
Let me share this, I was so excited and calmed by the presence of my cows and their young, that I could hardly contain myself. Those of you that farm are probably laughing right now knowing that the cattle sleep just like we do, calm and content, chewing away on their cuds, still. But what I did not expect, was, that night, Christmas Eve, they all knew. They knew it was a night to not stir a muscle when the barn door opened. Not a one of them changed position, mooed, nothing. They just stood there, as if to tell ME to hush. Hush, for a miracle has happened. You see, normally, the cattle would have moved around, been rattled by my surprise visit. That night, they were not stirred. The cattle were lowing. So, you see, they too, celebrate the birth of the Christ Child.
Did I weep? Yes.
Did I share this experience? Yes.
Was there disbelief? Yes.
Did I care that I was shunned? No, It Was a Miracle to Me.
So, besides the Blue Star holding this promise for me, it also did the same for my parents who also have a Blue Star on the East side of their barn. If we believe so hard that God holds our hearts, He surely will. Believe in the Reason for the Season.
Merry Christmas