Just look at the hope. Finally our snows are beginning to melt. The temperatures are beginning to rise and the water is sinking in slowly. Let the little boys be boys. They had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend. There were so many puddles, so much warmth in the air.
By noon, they were in tee-shirts, shorts and of course, rubber boots. Just a few days ago, there was still a foot of snow on the ground, and still is that much in the woods, if not more.
I kid you not, this poor high-stepping Ms. Robin Redbreast
was all flustered to have to come home to this snow, ice and slush just
four days ago.
And folks wonder just why does Dar leave her last Christmas Wreath
up until June? Well, now you know.
The truth is out. I will even light the wreath in the evening
if it stays warm enough to visit on the deck before then.
But, you never know. I have seen snow on my birthday at the end
of the month of June...cannot be too quick to put winter away.
As short as 3 months, is our growing season for our gardens, so
we savor every warm second. Just like the little guys in the family...
we let the children play in the mud, the water, whatever Mother Nature
provides, because, at a blink of an eye, it could be another
white-out and cabin fever starts all over again.
I hope you are having a warming trend if you have been cold,
and a cooling trend if you are already tired of the heat.
Either way,
find some joy in it all.