I am a carb addict.
I love my bad carbohydrates like breads, pasta, high carb veggies like peas, carrots, winter squash, you know, the rich, buttery ones.
Needless to say, I have become a ( chunky monkey.)
I need to get back in shape.
I know that.
I need to be more aware of what damage I'm doing to my heart, joints and blood that runs through my veins.
I know that.
I am first to admit that
This girl has a problem to ' attempt ' to solve.
There are a million excuses and good ones, but the worst is
my very own lack of persistence.
Sooooo, folks,
hang in there with me while I work on a new me.
I started with eating a bit healthier., at least one meal a day.
That I should be able to accomplish, right?
That's why the green salads and lean chicken, turkey and fish.,
at least for ONE meal a day.....are you still with me?
Next, a new haircut. It didn't take any weight off or help my ' innerds '
but it did make me feel better leaving half a dozen inches of split-ends
and 'scragglies' on the floor instead of around my shoulders.
And YES dear sisters, I covered the gray.
Who needs them when I have at least another 40 yrs. to live, God willing.
Might as well make myself feel good and besides,
poor Bill has to look at me all day now that he's retired.
All kidding aside, my rejuvenation is more purposeful than
pure vanity.
I am preparing for another journey,
a detour, as it be, down another surgical path.
Risk is taken every day but, All will be fine.
Though an invasive and intense ride,
I am every bit confident that God will see me through.
You see, He has given me HOPE.
May you all be blessed with the same.
You do not begin to know how much I appreciate
each and every one of you for taking the time to stop by.