About Me

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Within the confines of this blog, you will find bits and pieces of the life and times of myself, my family and friend dear and near., far and wide, few and far between. You will find bits and pieces of my world, tho small to some, but huge to me. You will find everything from 'soup to nuts',; recipes, hobbies,crafts, gardenings,loves of my life, GrandLoves-a-Plenty, and even my pets... Sooo, if you can handle family life, enjoy the tour of my 'Stuffings'.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

R&R Time

Yes'siree, the fish are jumpin' in the boat, 
I can feel it.
Ol' Bullhead got in the way of something much bigger,
Maybe even kin-fish. 
(click any photo for enlargement)
 Two pair of loon are facing off~
Or are they love-struck?
It doesn't much matter,
It's just a beautiful sight.
 I can't stand it....as I dream of days like this, 
not far off.  For now, I daydream on
Another anglers good fortune.
 His lumberwagon is a fisherman's delight.
For now, the apple trees are trimmed,
 The green onions await pulling,
but just every other one.
 Mrs. DoeGirl is keeping watch over the acres
Until our return from the fishin' holes.  
She promises to keep a very close eye,
And Not to eat our growing gardens and the flowers.

We wish you all a great weeks end

As we wander off into the woods and waters edge
for a little R&R.
Fishin' pole in one hand, worms in the other.
It sounds good to me.


Jill said...

It sounds fantastic to me too! Enjoy every minute!

Shug said...

My kind of day....have fun and enjoy catching those fish! We all need some good ol' R&R sometimes...
Blessings sweet lady..

Anonymous said...

Perfect relaxation plan--hope you have fun!

Cicero Sings said...

Wouldn't count on doe-girl's word very much!

Cher' Shots said...

Have a great time without me :( I know you will. Good luck in the fishing dept and do behave if that's possible - Upper Michigan to Upper Minnesota is too far to come and bail you out. Safe travels sis.
'love & hugs from afar'

imac said...

Enjoy your relaxation my friend.

Sunny said...

Beautiful pictures, Dar. We all need that R n' R from time to time. Daughter and he hubby go quite often to a small dam over here in PA, and thoroughly enjoy it. Hoping you had a great day.