There was snow on the ground when we left for our busy weekend.
We drove home in the rain.
There were flurries again, yesterday.
But, this morning? Well, in spite of 50 degree weather that felt like 12 degrees with the bitter wind, there was hope all around the yard.
Have you guessed yet what this first photo is? I'll let you think about it.
It looks like I will have Grape Hyacinths after all.
Everything is carefully, slowly poking their noses out of the cold ground, like these Giant Deep Purple Delphiniums, my favorites of this bed.
The Irises took a hard hit of frost as you can see by the tip of this one, far right.
My Great Grandmother T's Monkshood are coming along slow but fine. These came off of her homestead far north of here about 40 yrs. ago, and then into my flower bed just 12 yrs. ago. They are gorgeous.
The Salvia is coming after a hard hit on her first leaves, and will survive.
While still filling the feeders heavily during our cold snaps, the deer dropped my birdbath basin to the frozen ground and broke it. I knew I shouldn't have brought it out so early. A little clay and it will be good as new, when it finally warms up.
Uncle Bob's Allium will soon show large lavender heads as large as a baseball. For now, I am enjoying their 'green.'
I did loose a few things, or perhaps it's just too soon for the Silver Lace Vine to show it's promise. I hope so, for it is new to my garden, growing nearly 20 ft. long it's first year with it's spindly vines. I hope they enlarge with moisture and blooms.
The Queen of the Prairie is usually my first out of the ground after the Hyacinths and the Tulips. Not this year. No matter how harsh the winters, they always put on many show-stopping plumes.
Well, well, well, lookie here. We may just get one tulip. I hope it's one of the ruffled yellow and orange ones. As for those little Snow On the Mt., they will soon overflow this bed for they cannot be destroyed. Not because I haven't tried, but because they are so very invasive. So, they are welcome to stay as long as they wish.
There are several patches of a variety of Phlox throughout the deck gardens. They are so scented in the evening air. I love late nights on the deck for that very reason, oh, and to star-gaze.
One needs strength of iron to divide these so, regrettably, my Rhubarb is coming up bolting. There will be much rhubarb for pie, in spite of it's neglect.
The only perennials with a healthy start are these ordinary Ditch Lilies. I still love them even tho they can be found anywhere., even in the swamp. These are enjoying southern exposure.
As I run my hands across the Bee Balm, it already heaves it's intoxicating scent. No wonder the deer leave it alone. I, however, love it.
The Autumn Joy Sedum also puts on an endless show in the fall leaving wonderful winter interest with it's large red heads.

I am ready, so ready for the warm air and colors of the seasons, that is, except the color of winter.
Six months from now, my attitude will change once again. Naaaa!

Thanks for strolling with me. I love to hear from you. I'm forgetting some names of these plants so if I did them wrong, please correct me.
I will not hold it against you, but thank you instead.
Oh, the first photo? It's my Cinnamon Fern just sniffing the air, wondering if it's safe to unfurl just yet. It still looks skeptical to me.
Wow, what an awesome array of plants. I'm jealous!! I am really just getting started with flower beds at the cottage. It will take years.
okay, you're mean. what's the first photo?
oh, sorry. just read your comment!
The first picture looks like some kind of animal! Pig, duck or something...Are you sure it's a plant?
Isn't it nice to see all the new things slowly poking their sweet little heads up...
Good post..
I love spring flowers and perennials who poke their nose out of the ground. They tell me that spring has arrived and perhaps winter has decided to let us feel the warm of the sun and see the green of the grass.
I thought at first you had some pussywillows that burst forth on the trees ( your first photo).
Spring is beginning to show its face here in Alberta too- I have some greenery beginning to pop through the dirt these days.
Great entry! I wandered around my yard today too, I spotted the egyptian onions, lavender, lilies, sedum, hardy hibiscus, etc poking their noses out at me. My rhubarb is nearly a foot tall already although we did have snow flurries yesterday. Gotta love spring!
'love & hugs from afar'
Glad you told us, I didn't have a clue.
You really have a lot of life for those temps. We dropped down to 37this morning in Ar. Still need winter clothes I guess.
It just looks your spring is happening We have had frost warnings 2 nights in a row. So far every that was up is ok, I think.
I have not the first clue as to what is in the first picture! I'm glad "spring has sprung and the grass has riz"! We, here in the south, will be glad after we clear up all the debris from the storms. Our home escaped any damage but a neighbor two doors away had a tree fall directly across the middle of their house. On the positive side, we have plenty of firewood for the fall and it's been cut early enough that it will be good and dry by then! ☺
Enjoyed the walk through your yard. I thought the first picture was an animal but what do I know?
Happy Spring! Glad you have signs of life popping up to cheer you. We also have had weather were the thermometer reads relatively warm but it feels cold because of the wind.
For those who did not catch my first comment, the weird first picture is of my Cinnamon Fern poking it's nose out to check the weather.
Your garden beds are coming to life!
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