I've Been Gifted
I've been given so many gifts. I'm not talking about this gorgeous cherub planter, given to me by my Little One, but more so, my daughter, herself. We have had our trials and tribulations, but we are the best of friends besides mother and daughter. Darcie is my first-born ' love,' who is amongst the center of my life full of loves. I'm not just blowing smoke, I love this girl and I'm proud to admit that. Thanks Little One.
We are supposed to get pounded with another foot of snow and rain, so the cherub came inside. I do not want the basket to fill with snow, rain and ice, and then crack. Besides, I just love looking at the strength it takes to shoulder such a heavy basin as Little One, so named, is holding.
So, in her cowboy boots, PJ's and robe, out she goes at midnight, to ' Shoot the Moon.' Sat. night was the closest the moon would be to the earth for the next 4 years, and she just Had To get a shot. A professional equestrian photographer, by trade, it was refreshing to see her shoot something besides horses. She is awesome at her job, but WOW, you should have seen the shots she got of the moon and it's craters. WOW, WOW, WOW!
Check out the honkin' lens on her camera. I know, I should have gotten more information on what she carries that lens on. Maybe she will fill us in.
As for my bitty Cannon, My night shot was of one of our wagons. I like this image all eerie looking. Is there something lurking in it? Can you even see it? Click on any of the pictures to bring the image closer.
It was after 1 a.m. in the morning, but we never let a visit go by without a game of Scrabble. Sooo, a Slush, Scrabble, Sleep, and in that order. We used to play competitively. Now, we get a lot of visiting in, and it the words come, all the better.
I do have so much. My time with our 4 boys is very special to me, but there is something about spending quality time with my daughter, that fills some void, somehow. It must be a mother/daughter thing.
Just before finally going to bed way after 2 a.m., I noticed the shadow on the cross over the dining room table. Those twisted spikes reminded me of all the sacrifice in life, to attain all that's right. We have God to thank for that and His Son. It pertains to every one of our lives, whether or not we see it. Have a great day and~~~
Wonderful entry Dar. Sherry remembers the times with her mother, I know just from her tone, it was some of the best times of her life. She wanted a daughter, but that was not to be, but NOW she has Sherece, a GRANDDAUGHTER, and Elsie a G-GRANDDAUGHTER.
Yeah, mamas and daughters have somethinhg special.Good entry.
Love from across the big water and I hope your weather man is SOOOOO wrong.
So sweet. I loved the time I had with my mother - loved Saturday morning laundry time with her with the old wringer washer in the basement and hanging baskets full on the clothes line. It was our time. :)
I love spending time with my daughters, all 4 of them! Yes it is s[pecial. My sister in NY is saying they are expecting snow also. In KY all we are supposed to get is lower temps.
There's beauty in your post my friend.
What a wonderful reading of your emotional attachment to your daughter. And having her mutual respect and admiration is a tremendous thing. My Mom must have had some scary days - for she had three tow-headed boys before that first daughter was born. We're having spring down here for sure. I had to take Mom to the doc today for an allergy shot because of all the pollen popping out down here. Your warmer weather is on the way...I bought a box full of spring weather and sent it to you via mail truck! ☺
Isn't it wonderful when the kids grow up --and you don't have to be the Mean Mom anymore, but can enjoy friendship and love together????? I can feel the love you have for Darcie. She is quite a fabulous young lady... (Love that LONG hair)...
I've been gifted with my children also---and wish I could see them more often. Sigh!
P.S. Love that cherub planter
Lovely post. I lost my mother when I was young and wish I had such a relationship. You really are blessed.
That really is one honkin big lens.
A wonderful post and so nice to see that you have that relationship with your daughter.
What a coincidence that you should write about mothers and daughters today. My daughter had a half day of school and we sat and talked the entire afternoon away. It was wonderful.
I agree with what you're saying about your daughter. I was blessed with two and we have some nice girl week-ends when we can all make it at the same time.
You certainly are gifted .. and now, how about one more gift? I've nominated Dar's Stuffings to receive the One Lovely Blog Award - congratulations. Stop by my blog page and pick up your award. I'm so glad to have found your blog and really excited that I get to bestow this on you before Cheryl has a chance to do so (see the 'rules'!)
Re: Cindy- Thanks ever so much for your kindness. How exciting to recognized as One Lovely Blog. My head is growing. Please feel free to nominate another of your deserving friends in my place, as I am sharing and do not do awards, but do most humbly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Have a wonderful day.
If you think I am going to give YOUR award to someone else you are just plain silly. Send me your email address and I will forward the "award" to you in JPEG attachment. You can save it to your desktop and then upload it to a blog post just like a a photograph because ... well it is a photograph. I want everyone to come on over to see your blog - it is like a comfortable chair and a good book :-)
Hi Dar,
I am Darcie's friend Ann - and I loved the post of her "Shooting the Moon" and the "Little One". Darcie is a wonderful friend, and I can see how very much she is loved. I did get quite the chuckle out of her in her PJ's shooting the moon - and love the cowboy boots! I have a pair just like it at home here!
Awwww, Thanks Mom. :) Want to see the moon shot? I posted it on my facebook. :) Your turn again Mom!
Thanks Ann! Knew you'd like that pic.
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