Come along and see what I found...
I could not remember planting these beautiful double daylilies but there they were, showing off in the corner like garden fairies in their flirty little skirts. On looking back in my garden journals, I see they were planted way back in 2002. My only guess as to their not flowering before now, was either lack of water or sunshine, or both, tucked away in the NW corner of the house, shaded by the west trees. They are gorgeous and deserve a more stately place...I think. I have always wanted to start a bed Just for the Lilies, instead of spread all over kingdom-come. Sometimes having lots of ground to play with is a vise because I want flowers everywhere but not the funds to see that happen. Maybe when I get to heaven, so I better be good.
Check out the pollen on this lil' bees behind. If you click on the picture you will get a closer look at the way he scoops up the pollen with his legs. He is one busy little bee pollinating neighboring hollyhocks. Maybe That's how I'm getting unusual colors.
I also see a few paper thin orange poppies this year where red ones once were. These are tiny, only being about a foot tall but very vibrant in color. I'm finding I have more orange flowers than I realized. I'm also finding that I like them again.
Life is sure full of changes of mind, body and soul.
We had a dandy storm blow through last night with strong winds, powerful rains and hail. I got caught in it, just getting the groceries in the truck when the turning clouds and green sky, ended up touching a tornado down 20 miles north of town. The rain and hail came down so hard, I had to pull to the side of the road awhile. When I finally got home, only a few miles out of town, I parked as close as I could to the back door. I only had a few steps into the house but you would have sworn I was just in a wet T-shirt contest. The storm carried on for a couple more hours, but not taking our power out like most towns to our east. My son, the certified storm watchman, was on the computer, watching it toss and turn. He pointed out the areas that were watch areas for more tornadoes, when the lights flickered just enough to shut the computer and TV down. That was my cue to crack open a few windows and go to bed. I love, Love, LOVE to listen to the rain...lightening I can do without but the thunder and rain is ok with me.
Hope you all were safe
I love a good rain, but not when carrying in groceries, or losing my internet connection. I like to watch the weather on the computer myself.
Glad the tornados missed you.
We have hot and muggy here. It's already 82 degrees at 9:40.
The lilies are just gorgeous! I have a bed that is just lilies as these are some of my favs. So easy to grow too. I have never seen an orange double like that though!
Nothing like opening the windows on a rainy day. I just love the sound and smell of rain.
You get some unique pictures. Love the bee.
I like pictures of flowers, they seem to be relaxing.
Hey cut the storms out. I have had enough! hahahahaha
I too love the rain, but I like the lightening as well as the thunder. My Sherry has even gotten so she will say that lightening was beautiful (As long as it looks like it is still 1000 miles away.) ha!
Hope you are having a good day!
Love from Southern Michigan.
Hi Dar, Sorry you had a big storm--but glad you didn't have any damage in your area. The rains went ALL around us again yesterday. We are truly in a drought here.. We have maybe had ONE inch of rain in over a month or two... Things are suffering here...
Your orange double Daylily is gorgeous... All of our lilies and daylilies are gone 'til next year... Sigh!!!!
Hope you have a good day today.
don't you just love a good storm
I am so very happy that you did change to half page comments. Sorry it took me until today to check it out.
I also have the double orange daylily you have. It is an old, but gorgeous one.
I just found out today Noah (my 14 month old grandson) does not like thunder. I got alot more snuggles today due to the thunderstorm while I was there. But I did stand at the window and talk to him about the rain, because I do want him to outgrow the fear.
Beautiful flowers. We had some rain here too. W've fared well with the rain and green grass this summer so far.
Take a look at my sister Mels blog at Up North With Mel to see the damage done by the storm at the Flambeau Flowage and by our aunts place just 20 miles away. They got hit hard. My brother has a 40 up there of mature marketable timber that was going to be logged this's gone.
Thank God there were no deaths...some injuries on the Island campground tho.
BlessTheirHearts and Safety during the clean-up.
I'm glad you escaped major damages from the rain-storm. Wind, water and lightening CAN cause grief at times. We need rain in S.E. Tennessee.
That was a whopper of a storm! We had strong winds and another inch and a half of rain.
Your daylilis are lovely. I've got a bunch around here too. The color always makes me smile.
Dar, I'm so glad that the storm didn't do any damage right there at your place. I thought of you and Mel when I heard about the storms on the news.
Your day lillies are beautiful! As are the rest of your flowers. :)
Have a wonderful day.
Dar the orange dl. lily is gorgeous!Though orange flowers not my choice these are stunning!Oh boy rain and hail..what next!!
BTW I appreciated your list of suggestions for my futre "woodland" garden..wrote them down! a happy gal anna
Beautiful lilies. We needed rain here, the grass is brown and the plants are wilting. I loved your photos, the flowers are all gorgeous.
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