Let's take a quick stroll through the yard before this intense heat takes control of our gardens. So far it's been a productive season.
The radishes have been amazing,...some larger than that quarter lying between them at the top of the bunch, and so sweet. Yes, sweet, only a couple hot ones, the rest are mild and crunchy. What a great addition to our salads.
Grow Garden, Grow! ~ Just like the washtub of lettuces that get munched on daily. A variety sits right by the deck and I'm happy to see everyone helping themselves to a snack.
Everything in our gardens have been grown organic, as the term goes now, since I can remember and now they have a word for it.
The Lollipop Lilies are beginning to burst. They are loving their little spot in the shade of the Spruce tree in this heat. I will sprinkle past-dated yeast around them to keep the deer from nibbling on them. My sis says it works and I hang on her every gardening advise...most times. Meanwhile, do you see the Euschistus (Stink Bug) in the center of the next bloom? I wonder if his family is responsible for eating my flowers. Don't they know they are only to Stop and Smell?
Something is eating away at my roses~~~grrr.
The bright sunset colors of the unknown Asiatics are lighting up the end of the horse-shoe driveway. Loveit!!
Five generations ago, my GGGrandma T grew these tall, slender shoots of Monk's Hood. I love them, and already have shared them with my daughter. I wonder if they are growing. I never did tell her I popped them in the ground by her house-(south side Little One, if they are coming they would be blooming now.)
The Curly Parsley is purely decorative in this case, but I do love snitching some for Parsley Buttered Potatoes.
My Dear Man dusted the Cabbages with a concoction that seems to be working well again. It's 2 Tblsp. of cayenne pepper to every cup of flour. Bugs-be-gone. The flour congests the system of the cabbage worms and moths and the cayenne keeps the other critters from temptation.
My Man Bill, has been helping ' The Potato Guy,' so dubbed, with the tilling, discing edges, mowing lawn around the field, early fertilizing, and now spraying for potato bugs. The heat and humidity brings them in droves. Four hours after spraying and they are goners. The potato field is being treated entirely organic, so no pesticides. If this test field is successful, the entire field will become organic. Sweet!
We are as excited about the success thus far, as ' The Potato Guy ' is. This picture was taken a week ago and the plants have doubled in size and are blossoming. Yipee!
I could not leave this page without showing you a tiny patch of Sweet Williams...planted years ago. They kept getting mowed off but finally, they are showing their colors.
More Sweetness surrounds me.
We are so fortunate to have a little piece of heaven all our own.
Thanks for stopping by and
walking with me. Let's go inside and cool off.
Iced Sweet Tea anyone?