I sure looked forward to this evening, and a long, long nights rest.
There was so much to get done the past several days but I was only focusing on 'today.'
By early evening, around 3 p.m., the sky began to darken, it was very overcast, a gray day. The predicted snow began to fall and fall hard.
At first glance, it looked like it actually would not be too bad, fluffy looking.
I would never make a weathergal, as what appeared to me to be ' fluffy,' turned out to be fast, furious, WET, very wet stuff and it is sticking, really sticking around this time. You know, it's that kind of snow that ' heart attack shoveling' is made of.

The snow sure is beautiful, until you wake in the morning and see what has to be shoveled. To tell you the truth, I really do not mind. I love the look of the dreaded white stuff, but I do not care so much anymore, for the wet, damp stuff. Give me the dry snow. That's the kind that you can fly through on the snowmobiles, sleds and the tobaggans, skis and snowshoes, snow tubes, snowboards and flying saucers.
Sadly, no snowmen are assembled. This snowfall is perfect to build Frosty the Snowman. The children will giggle with glee. They know that ' snowman ' snow, is also ' snow day, alias, NO School, Snow.
We are getting our share of the measurable glistening flakes. The rain gauge is filling fast tho rain gauges really do not count for snow measuring like a good old yardstick.

I spent a few hours altering a Bridesmaid dress last night and this afternoon, for my niece and Goddaughter, Tracy. A tuck here, a tuck there and before you knew it, she was smiling at the success. I love, Love, LOVE this girl and would do all I can to help her.
Tracy's dress is a navy blue with a silver bow and cape. The bow down the back is as lovely as she~~~stunning~~~

studded with sequins and beading.

My day was not over.
The boys, my man and son Andy, were busy in the butchering center in the shop, butchering the deer that Andy harvested for many winter meals.
Since the shop was warmed by the woodfire, I took the opportunity to keep them company while I whipped up a few more swags, one for Tracy, one for Mom, one for my elderly neighbor, and one for our door. I'm pleased that they turned out festive and will substitute a wreath, that is, unless I change my mind. I'm entitled, aren't I? I rather like the Circle of Life that the Wreath represents for me. What do you think? Like? All of the boughs, pine, cedar with the cones, balsam and the red Winterberries, all came from the edge of my woods by the house. I'm so fortunate, Not to have to pay out of pocket, for my supplies.

There were GrandLove Gifts to finish wrapping for our Christmas in Baraboo, WI. I can hardly wait. This will be the first time in several years, that our immediate family Christmas will be away from home.
Of course, Christmas Eve will still be at the farm. There is never a question about it.

So, in between the loads of laundry, making and serving 3 meals, paying bills, altering a gown, wrapping the venison the boys cut, a little knitting, a little crocheting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping the floors, visiting, gift-wrapping and, of course, chatting with Mom on the phone for half an hour, there's always time for Scrabble, right?

Not really. Today was just too jam-packed. Hmmm, no wonder my eyelids are getting heavy, my muscles relaxed.
Nighty, night, it's time for bed.
Time for me to rest my weary head.
Have a Fantastic Sunday